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甲骨文最初出土于河南安阳小屯村的殷墟,1899年才被发现。殷墟是商王朝后期都城的遗址,自盘庚迁都直至商纣灭亡共历273年。近一个世纪以来,在此出土的甲骨多达几十万片,其中有很多都记载了与蚕、桑、丝和蚕业有关的事和 文字。可见,蚕丝早已成为当时社会物质生产和精神生活的一个重要组成部分。






Oracle first unearthed in the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan Xiaozhun Cun, was discovered in 1899. Yin Ruins is the late Shang Dynasty capital in ruins, since the destruction of Pan Geng moved the capital until the Shang Zhou Li 273. Nearly a century bones unearthed in the hundreds of thousands of films, many of which are documented with the silkworm, mulberry, silk and sericulture in the matter and text. Visible, silk has long been a time of material and spiritual life is an important part.
Oracle in a variety of "silk" were like silk winding shape. "Reeling" Characters water kettle and reeling cocoon, is a pictographic character. In addition, there continued thread of "continued", broken wire in the "off" beam filaments "beam", with silk fishing, "fishing" to silk for strings, "Music", and made with Sibo The "clothes", "towel" and other words, the original meaning of their shape or created characters with the wire is related to an Associative. Some, such as "quiet", "child" is derived from the meaning from the fine silk.

Oracle in the "Sang" to Mulberry for the shape, often used as names. Qin history books have recorded: Shang Cheng Tang founding monarch reign, the seven drought, Cheng Tang body in mulberry grove to pray in the rain, later known as the "Cheng Tang Prayer for Rain." Cheng Tang's name with Yi Yin, who is among the empty San abandoned, by a woman from Mulberry. From these written records can be presumed that the Shang Dynasty have been a lot of planting mulberry trees.

At present, some scholars Oracle in the "Silkworm" have different interpretations of the word, they think it is not a "silkworm" word, but "snake" hieroglyphic characters. In fact, these "silkworm" Although the word configuration changes, but they highlight the many aspects of its physiological performance characteristics, is a vivid portrayal of the silkworm.

"Silkworm God" is one of the ancients worshiped the gods. Silkworm worship of God known as "silkworm" is shown, or three cows, three prison, or Qiang (slaves were killed), Ceremonies are very grand. By the annual sacrifice of God in order to harvest the behavior of silkworm known, sericulture is also an important agricultural crop. The late Shang Dynasty King Wu Ding called silkworm things and who have sent people to look at nine divination, indicating that they attached great importance to the rulers of the sericulture industry.

Silk is light, comfortable, light and other amazing features, this is not the other fabrics. In the "selfless cultivation of private organizations, were cold the cold" in primitive societies, shared by all the clan members of the production and use; into the slave society, they will become the exclusive nobility items. Rulers in order to meet the needs of luxury living, or to show off its prominent position, silk weaving production becomes more important. Silkworm's image is also emerging in the master patterns of ritual decoration. Known from archaeological finds, master's death, his burial is extremely luxurious, even in the Bronze funerary outsourcing on the delicate fabric, to show economic strength. Because buried in the ground thousands of years, silk gradually acid corrosion of copper bronze, and their descendants only from archaeological excavations in the adhesion of the Shang and Zhou bronzes silk prints in silk production at the level of the concrete numbers. Present can see the Shang and Zhou bronze silk mostly attached to the prints, the excavation of in-kind are extremely rare. www.mingliuqipao.com (finishing editor)




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