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Level representatives of the Qing Dynasty robes pattern
Wearing make up China's civil and military officials in the Qing Dynasty clothes, back and chest in the middle of costumes were dressed birds or animals a piece of embroidered silk screen, saying "make children." It is because of silk embroidery skills, techniques Rangong become art.

Decorated with animal patterns to distinguish the method from the earliest level officials of the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu period. Prior to the official uniform system to use more wear and color ribbon printing system is based on the number of accessories and clothing color to distinguish between levels. Wu decorated with animals, the gown embroidered patterns given to civil and military officials, as the difference between official position as a grade. The level of creativity has changed the image of court dress, people see at a glance.

The early Qing Dynasty, only the military officer serving as a complement system, which make up sub-organizations in the DPRK are free to affix clothing, Duangua, leather coat, jacket on top. To Junji Nine years later, the production of the missed dose has changed, almost completely custom inherited the Ming Dynasty, only the deletion of individual patterns somewhat. Officials at all levels missed dose as blue stone, the model has the same as the round neck, buttons down the front, flat sleeve over the elbow, knee length, except that the make up of different sub-shapes and patterns.

Directly attack the complement of the Qing Dynasty to the Ming child, but also some development and change, the main difference between the two, first and foremost on the type of system. Make sub-Ming Shi in gowns, the Qing Dynasty used to make sub-coat. Group leader for the next service shirt, chest fill a child is a complete, clear service is breasted coat, the complement of the chest is divided into two sub. The complement of the Ming Dynasty established a separate sub-organizations to make service on the suffix, but also at the meeting in advance direct embroidery on the clothes, after the Qing Dynasty was a separate embroidery stitch to make into a coat on. The complement of the Ming Dynasty about 40 cm square sub, sub smaller complement of the Qing Dynasty, about 30 cm square; then there is the complement of the Ming Dynasty and other sub-plain more than a red base, gold thread embroidery, children are based on the complement of the Qing Dynasty blue, black, dark red and other dark as the bottom, colorful embroidery, bright colors. Ming Dynasty, more than make up for the children of light around the edges, fine processing of the Qing Dynasty make up around children, the use of lace, and has a decorative effect. Ming civilian complement of the following four sub-products, and more embroidered with a pair of birds, animals are embroidered Qing single.

Complement of sub-Ming only played back in the chest, make up some of the Qing Dynasty imperial clan of the round chest is not only decorative, but also the decoration on top of the shoulders.

Qing Dynasty robes decorated with embroidery on the complement of the child, is to identify the official level of a logo. It is simply the complexity of embroidery and color differences. Make sub-exists with the office, and limited by the court, not mass production. Therefore, the process has high value and historical value. Now it has become a precious cultural relics collection.

The complement of officials augmented sub-pattern embroidered vary, mainly civilian decorated with bird-like, military, animals and patterns used to indicate the military attache of the mighty momentum. The court officials first wife Mrs. Ming Fu, also rank as her husband, the official Xiapei in the chest, back fill some decorated with children.

Make sub-sub-fill both round and square complement. Circle more than make up for the beta sub-princes who for the Ipomoea gold dragons, each decorated on the left and right shoulder and chest and back. Side are used for civilian and military commanders make such officials.

Civil decorated embroidery complement sub-patterns are: a product for the crane, two items for the golden pheasant, Mishina for the peacock, the four products for the Yun Yan, five products for the Silver Pheasant, six eloquent as egrets and seven items for the (Rui chicken) (Rui beam birds ), eight items for the quail, birds Nine for the training.

Military attache decorated embroidery complement sub-patterns are: a product for the unicorn, two products for the embroidered lion, Mishina embroidered leopard, the four items embroidered tigers, five items embroidered bears, six items embroidered Biao, seven items embroidered rhinos, eight items with seven items the same is embroidered rhinos, Nine embroidered hippocampus.

The complement system of the Qing Dynasty clothes strict, no person shall exceeded. Managing the son of four dragons to wear a missed dose, in his Managing the conviction, there is this one: "Non-its people, not serving its services, Shun Li Ye."

At that time, other officials because of his low position, in order to improve their status, made privately to find embroidery. Qing court injunctions against unauthorized production of plants than their fill of high sub-office, but in order to benefit fraud are still things happen. These make sub-making body, the Royal Weaving silk brocade weaving specialized Yamen. Royal weaving together the world's craftsmen Yamen, they used a variety of embroidered silk color material, the use of technology and inheritance practices exquisite embroidery, embroidery out of the world famous traditional clothing. The child now has become a valuable complement the artifacts and artistic treasures of the.




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