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作者:qipao100  阅读次数:12414  字体大小: 【】 【】【

  1912年,孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统以后,颁布了一系列政治、经济改革和社会改革的法令、政策。“剪辫”、“易服”就是最主要的改革。他号召人民“涤旧染之污,作新国之民”。当时为了拚弃满清政府不合时代潮流的长袍马褂,统一革命党人的服装,他希望能有一种“适于卫生,便于动作,宜于经济,壮于观瞻”的新式礼服。经过缜密思考,孙中山决定亲自设计,由革命党人华侨黄隆生制做而成。首先以南洋华侨的“企领文装”和学生装为基样,揉合了西装的特点,在直领上加一翻领,又将三个暗袋改为四个明袋,衣袋加上倒山字形 “笔架盖”,并各订钮扣一枚,既美观又安全。四个明袋采用涨缩自如、颇具弹性的“琴袋”式样,旨在便于放置书本、笔记本等必需品之用。此后几经修改演变,确定为封闭式小翻领、袖口边三个扣,四袋、五扣的上衣式样,并融入了中华传统文化思想和革命理想,取名为“中山装”。www.mingliuqipao.com
Historical Origins of Chinese Tunic Suit
Chinese Tunic Suit was originated after the success of the Chinese Bourgeois Democratic Revolution (1911), and Dr. Sun Yat-sen (also known as Sun Zhong Shan) as the great forerunner of Chinese Democratic Revolution personally designed and promoted it as a Chinese-style ceremonial dress.
In 1912, when Dr. Sun Yat-sen became the temporary President of the Republic of China, a series of acts and policies regarding political, economic and social reforms were promulgated, among which “long braid cutting” and “clothing change” are the major ones. He called on the people to “clean the dirt of old pollution and be a citizen of new nation”. At that time, in order to get rid of the long coat popular in Qing Dynasty that didn’t suit with the new times and unify the clothing of the revolutionary party members, he desired for a new style dress that should be “suitable for health, convenient for action, beneficial for economy and bright for appearance”. After careful consideration, Dr. Sun Yat-sen decided to design it personally, which was then made by an overseas Chinese Huang Longshen, who is a revolutionary party member. At the very beginning, the basic sample of Chinese Tunic Suit came from the “straight collar cultural dress” and the student’s uniform of the overseas Chinese living in South Asia and merged with the characteristics of a western suit, but having a over-turned collar on the straight collar, and four visual pockets rather than three hidden pockets, on which a reverse-mountain-shape “brush-stand cover” is added and one button is spiked, making it good-looking and safe as well. The flexible and elastic style is adopted for the four visual pockets for the purpose of putting book, notebook and other necessities inside. However, it had been changed for several times after then, and finally was fixed in the style of having a closed small over-turned collar, three buttons at the edge of sleeve opening, four pockets and five buttons, containing the Chinese traditional culture, thoughts and revolutionary ideal, and was given the name of “Chinese Tunic Suit”.
So, Chinese Tunic Suit had its own fixed style in 1912, whose invention contains the Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s intelligence and striving ideal. It is an epoch-making creation in Chinese clothing culture and represents the patriotism of strengthening China and striving unceasingly of Chinese people. With Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s strong promotion, Chinese Tunic Suit was popular in the country and later became the indicative ceremonial dress of the new generation Chinese people and is recognized worldwide as the Chinese “National Dress”.





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