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花翎又分一眼,二眼,三眼,三眼最尊贵;所谓“眼”指的是孔雀翎上的眼状的圆,一个圆圈就算做一眼。蓝翎是与花翎性质相同的一种冠饰,,又称为 “染蓝翎”,以染成兰色的鹖鸟羽毛所作,无眼。赐予六品以下、在皇宫和王府当差的侍卫官员享戴,也可以赏赐建有军功的低级军官。鹖鸟生性好勇斗狠,至死不却,武士冠上插鹖翎,能够显示武士的英勇,到也贴切。在清朝初期,皇室成员中爵位低于亲王、郡王、贝勒的贝子和固伦额附(即皇后所生公主的丈夫),有资格享戴三眼花翎;清朝宗室和藩部中被封为镇国公或辅国公的亲贵、和硕额附(即妃嫔所生公主的丈夫),有资格享戴二眼花翎;五品以上的内大臣、前锋营和护军营的各统领、参领(担任这些职务的人必须是满洲镶黄旗、正黄旗、正白旗这上三旗出身),有资格享戴单眼花翎,而外任文臣无赐花翎者。由此可知花翎是清朝居高位的王公贵族特有的冠饰,而即使在宗藩内部,花翎也不得逾分滥用;有资格享戴花翎的亲贵们要在十岁时,经过必要的骑、射两项考试,合格后才能戴用。但后来花翎赏赐渐多,就不一定经过考试了。





也许这对当时的老百姓并不会有什么影响,但对当时天津的官员,可以说是发生了一个很大的变化,管理天津的 官员“升职”了.天津最高五品官补子全用金线做封建王朝的衣冠之治集中体现在官服上,这在清代又称补服,就是在褂子的前胸后背各缀一块布称为补子,绣上不同的飞禽走兽,以表示官职的差别和道德含义,‘补子’的图案根据官员级别的不同也都是不一样的。根据当时记载,天津设州后,最高的行政官员是一名‘知州’。根据清朝的官制,这员官员的 ‘行政级别’就是五品,或者是从五品。五品官员的‘补子’上面绣着一种名叫白鹇的禽类,在前胸的是由两片拼在一起,后胸是一块整片的。这是因为清朝穿的是对襟衣服,就是咱们现在的衣服一样,在前面有纽扣,所以前胸的‘补子’是由两片组成。文官武官绣禽兽衣冠禽兽由此来天津由卫改州,其实就是从军事区划改成行政区划,对老百姓没有什么影响,只是对在天津任职的官员从级别上有一些更改。由卫进州,变化最大的就是官员的级别了。你们都知道‘衣冠禽兽’这个词吧。有人说,这个词就是根据官服来的,因为当时的官服文官‘补子’的图案是禽类,而武官的图案是兽类,老百姓管穿着官服不给百姓办实事的官员叫‘衣冠禽兽’。当然了,这种说法虽不足为据,但却生动地说明了官服上的特点。‘补子’的图案不同,官员的级别也就分出来了。所谓补服,其实就是缀有补子形式的服饰,最早出现在明初朱元璋时期。到了清朝,补服的称谓仅局限于一些特定身份的人,也就是亲王以下宗室皇亲和有品级的官员。何志华还说,补子上除了有飞禽走兽外,还绣有海水和岩石的图案,寓意“海水江崖,江山永固”的意思,是封建皇帝想永远把人们置于自己统治之下的表示。











































































































文职京官:翰林院典?⒐蛹嗟浔 ⒑桦退轮鞅 ⑶仗旒嘀亢?
























Chinese traditional clothing: a detailed description of the Qing Dynasty robes Dingdai
Change the system of the Qing Dynasty crown, for the hat. Hat divided into two kinds, one for the warm cap, round, a circle Yan edge, the use of leather, then, satin, cloth, and more black, the red Mao Wei, highest point on the top hat beads, the material mostly gems Zhi into the red, blue, white, gold.

Press the clear etiquette, a product for the ruby, two products for the coral, Mishina for the sapphire, the four products with lapis lazuli, with clam six items, seven items for the element gold, eight product lines with the negative strand of gold flowers, Nine to Yang Wen Lou Flower gold. No top-beads had no official products; two for the cap, no eaves, flared, the initial flat and large, small and high post, with rattan, bamboo seats, wrapped in rungra, mostly white, there are Huse, yellow, Shangzhui Hongying top beads.

Hat of the Qing Dynasty, under the feathers on the top tube beads, quality white jade or emerald as to placement Ling Chi. Qing Ling Chi Ling spent hours and two blue feathers. Yu Lan Ling was 刊 COLLECTED PAPERS done, as the peacock feather flower made by Ling. Ling is a flower identified in the Qing Dynasty such as Viagra, Zhao products rank signs, officials can not generally wear; its role is to Zhao Ming grade, reward for war, the Imperial Qing Dynasty repeated demands, the more sub-hairpin jump neither wear, can not free not to wear, if any violation of the strict line of argument at; general demoted or dismissed officials remain in office, still wearing their robes of the term grade, and ordered to pluck flowers Ling is seriously wrong with the usual punishment.

Ling was divided into a flower, two, three, three most distinguished; so-called "eye" refers to the Kongque Ling eye on the circle, a circle even do a. Ling Ling is the blue flowers of the same nature with a crest, also known as "dyed blue Ling" to the birds feathers dyed blue by 刊 COLLECTED PAPERS, no eyes. Given Liupinyixia in the palace and the palace guards, officials enjoy while wearing the poor, built for war can also reward the junior officers.刊 COLLECTED PAPERS birds naturally Haoyongdouhen, till death do it, plug 刊 COLLECTED PAPERS Ling Wu Shiguan on, it will show the heroic warriors, to also appropriate. In the early Qing Dynasty, the royal family members below the title of Prince, Jun Wang, Baylor Lun Pui child and the amount of solid attached (ie, born Princess Queen's husband), are eligible to enjoy wearing a three-vertigo Ling; the Qing royal family and the clan has been called the Ministry of Zhenguo Gong or Fuguo Gong's Qingui, and large amount of attached (ie, the husband of Princess born to concubines), are eligible to enjoy wearing two vertigo Ling; Wupinyishang of the Minister, forward all business and retaining command of the barracks, the Senate leader (as these positions must be a Manchurian Xianghuang Banner, are yellow, white flag is the flag that came on the third), are eligible to enjoy wearing a single vertigo Ling, outer Renwen Chen Ling were not giving flowers. Ling Qing Dynasty can be seen to spend the aristocrats in high crest-specific, and even in the imperial military internal and spent more than sub-Ling nor abuse; are eligible to enjoy the Qin Gui Ling, who wear flowers in the age of ten, after the necessary riding, shot two examinations, after passing to wear. But the reward was to spend an increasing Ling, not necessarily through the exam.

Ling took so noble, so especially in the Qing Dynasty was seriously longing. Admiral Shi Lang of Fujian after surrendering Xianghuang Banner thanks to Han nationality, the platform power of speech after pleading Jinghai Hou and minister according to the list previously given to wear, including flowers Ling, Emperor Hui of special purpose; post under the Qianlong Emperor Ming Chao, Secretary of State can not only wear the Qingui, if prestigious military medals could also wear. Emperor Ling was given to the subjects as to spend very carefully, to the late Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong was given only three ministers blurred Ling Fu Heng, Fu Kang, and Lin, a long age, Hei Yan, Li, Xu Tong seven people have been given eyes to spend about Ling more than twenty people, which was the gift of eternal glory of Judah.

Qing Dynasty, the most dignitary title Prince, Jun Wang, Baylor, according to the provisions of Qing Ling is not wearing the flower; but the Qianlong period, many people to serve in such posts as Minister of the ground begging for Ling, so after the prince, Jun Wang, Baylor began to wear Three vertigo Ling. The flower Ling's also a special case, such as Emperor Daoguang that captured in Xinjiang rebel Zhang Heidegger, the Reward report a success tone by wearing flowers Ling, the Grand walk; dynasty, the late flowers Ling reward the scope of getting big, all the face of national merit of the person may Tour Day flowers Ling; and after the First Opium War, due to the national treasury, much as the tax system of Ling's case and spent two solid silver Ling 7000, Ling 5000 blue two real silver!


Yongzheng three years (1725) March 7, when the Tianjin Wei 321 years after the formal establishment of the Qing Dynasty in Tianjin in order to adapt to constantly evolving, the three-guard combination of Tianjin, Tianjin to the state, in the final Hejian government jurisdiction, taken from Tianjin to become one of the most important first step in the city. Thus, Tianjin from a military town to a gradual change in the administrative divisions.

Maybe this time people will not have any effect, but officials in Tianjin at that time can be said that a big change took place, the management officials of Tianjin, "promotion" of the. Tianjin Mandarin of the highest five full use of child supplement gold lines of the rule of feudal dynasty attire embodied in official uniform, this is known as fill in the Qing Dynasty clothes, that is, the chest back in the gown decorated piece of cloth known as the complement of the child, embroidered on different animals, in order to that the difference between official and moral meaning, 'make child' of the pattern according to officials of different levels are also different. According to records at that time, the state set up in Tianjin, the highest executive official is a 'known state'. Bureaucracy under the Qing Dynasty, this member of the officials 'administrative level' is the fifth rank, or from five items. Five products officials 'meeting child' name embroidered a white pheasant birds, in the chest by the two pieces together, after the chest is a piece of the whole film. This is because the Qing Dynasty wore breasted clothes, the clothes that we are now, as there are buttons in front, so the chest of the 'make child' is composed of two slices. Civil military officer embroidered animals Yiguanqinshou change this to Tianjin by the state of health, in fact, changed the administrative divisions from the military division, no impact on the people, but the officials of the office in Tianjin, there are some changes from the level. Into the state by the Guardian, the greatest change is the level of the officials. You know 'Yiguanqinshou' word it. Some say the word is coming under the robes, because it was the official uniform civil servants' compensation sub 'logo is a bird, and military attache of the pattern is animals, people dressed in official uniform pipe and do practical things people do not give the officials call' Yiguanqinshou '. Of course, although this argument was insufficient, but it vividly illustrates the robes on the features. 'Make child' of the pattern is different from the level of officials will point out. The so-called missed dose, in fact, embroidered clothing make up sub form, first appeared in the early Ming emperor period. To the Qing Dynasty, the title of missed dose is limited to some specific identity of the person, that is, royalty and the Prince Imperial Clan of the following grades of officials. Ho Che Wah also said that in addition to birds and animals make up the son, also embroidered with sea water and rock patterns, meaning "sea cliff Jiang, Jiang Shanyong solid" means that the emperors always to bring people under their rule that placed .

Dingdai Ling spent grading an official hat, a wool clothing in addition to compensation, the officials at all levels also points "to spend Dingdai Ling", "top-sub" is also an important difference between the Qing Dynasty official grade identification. "Dingdai" points toward the crown and Kat services with the highest of both. There are three sub-DPRK crown: gem for the tip, the spherical Pearl, under the metal base. Kyrgyzstan clothing crown, relatively simple, only spherical Sarah and metal base in two parts, the base of gold, but also useful for copper, above engraving patterns. Top bead colors and materials There are many, reflecting the different officials of the grade, according to the Qing Dynasty ritual: a product official top beads with Ruby, two products of coral, Mishina with the sapphire, the four products with lapis lazuli, the five items with the crystal, the six products with clam seven items with the elements gold, eight items with ornamental engraving Engrave Gold, Nine Yang Wen ornamental engraving gold. Top no beads, that is no grade. If the Qing officials break the law, we should spend Dingdai Ling won, said the lifting of all his duties. Many of the drama now, watching the play Qing officials to wear the 'Dingdai', in fact, many of the wrong place. They Dingdai above Lingzi wearing only a peacock feathers, this Lingzi will not happen in the Qing dynasty. Ling Ling Zi is blue then the inside with peacock feathers, the separation of a single vertigo Ling, Ling spent his eyes, blurred vision Ling several grades three, according to the size of merit to reward glances Lingzi, the so-called eye is the color of peacock feathers on the halo, and peacock feathers nor is it one, is a thick one. Yan secretly altered the size pattern of provisions of the Royal Clan will face severe punishment in the Qing Dynasty make up the complement of services and child, both from Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou Jiangnan three weaving made the tribute, and pay attention to the use of materials, workmanship, size, design, there are stringent regulations, the officials who can not be secretly altered the grade corresponding to their official robes.


Level of Qing officials "Nine eighteen", and so there are from each of the other, not less than eighteen inflow is not known, attached at the level from the Nine.

Is a product:

Beijing officials Civilian: Taishi, Tutor, CPIC, Diange scholar

Civilian official outside: no

Wu level Beijing officials: the Minister of lead guards, palm Minister Joseph Miriam health matters

Official Wu-job: None

From a product:

Civilian officials in the capital: a small division, Shaofu, less security, Taizaitaishi, Prince Edward Tutor, Prince Edward CPIC,

Co-scholar, hospital departments Book, Inspector of Hospitals around Censor Governor

Civilian official outside: no

Wu level Beijing officials: Admiral nine-step guide military policeman five camps, the minister

Wu-job officers: generals, all systems, Admiral

Are two products:

Civilian officials in the capital: a small division, Prince, Prince Edward Shaofu, Taizishaobao, assistant minister about hospital departments, the Imperial Household Department Explorer

Civilian official outside: the provinces Governor

Wu level Beijing officials: left-right forward battalion command, Banners care Jun Tongling, Luan instrument to

Official Wu-job: Fudu Tong, Chief General

From two products:

Civilian officials in the capital: Cabinet degree, Bachelor of Imperial Academy Abbot

Civilian official outside: the governor, lieutenant-governor administrative commissioner

Wu level Beijing officials: bulk order minister

Wu-job officers: Lieutenant

Is Mishina:

Civilian officials in the capital: about Vice Governor School Inspector Censor, were people Fucheng, through government to government so that the Secretary General, supreme court of State,

Zhanshi House Zhan Shi, Qing Chang Temple

Outside the official civilian: Shuntian prefect, prefect Tianfu Feng, provincial judge Division provincial judge

Wu level Beijing officials: first-class guards, firearms business wing length, wing length Jian Rui camp, forward reference collar, Hujun reference collar,

Xiaoqi Participation collar, royal Nagao

Official Wu-job: Kimori Wei, the Senate will, command the

From the third grade:

Civilian officials in the capital: Guanglu Temple of State, Taipu Si Qing

Outside the official civilian: Transportation in all turn to the Yan Yun

Wu level Beijing officials: Hujun reference coating collar, coating Xiaoqi reference collar, first-class escort Palace

Official Wu-job: guerrilla, five Ginseng collar, co-leader, Xuanwei, command sub-prefect

Are four items:

Civilian officials in the capital: the Secretary General Administration Fushi, supreme court Shaoqing, Zhan Shi Zhan Shi less government, too often Temple Shaoqing,

Tai Pusi Shaoqing Administrations for Frontier Minorities Temple Qing, Inspector of Hospitals Palm Court Officials six subjects

Beijing-job Officer: Shuntian Cheng, Mukden Fu Cheng, the provinces keep road patrol member

Wu level Beijing officials: second-class guards, cloud rejoice that, vice Hujun reference collar, forward reference deputy leader and deputy leader Xiaoqi parameters,

Taipu Si Ma factory camel plant Explorer, Baylor House MC length, guards foreman

Official Wu-job: defense Wei, Zuoling, all Division, Zhihuiqianshi, to comfort the Secretary sub-prefect

From four products:

Civilian officials in the capital: Bachelor Cabinet Shi Du, Shi Du Imperial Academy Bachelor degree Shijiang Imperial Academy, Imperial College libation

Outside the official civilian: prefect, prefect of soil, Yan Yun Transportation in the same

Wu level Beijing officials: Shing Mun collar, Vice Hujun coating parameters collar, Vice Xiaoqi coating parameters collar, coating Zuoling,

Four products Ceremony, second guard

Official Wu-job: Xuan Fu so, to comfort the Secretary Fushi

Of the Five:

Civilian officials in the capital: about Spring Square Bastard, through the Chief Secretary Services, Guanglu Temple Shaoqing, Officials,

Government officials who were members, Ministries doctor, hospital to be too

Outside the official civilian: sub-prefect, prefect of soil, Zhili know the state

Wu level Beijing officials: third bodyguard, governance instrument is the step the military deputy lieutenant, infantry military, prison officials and trustworthy gun emplacement, in charge of Zuoling

Official Wu-job: crossing at Defense, defense, fielding, something to comfort the Secretary Ye Qian, Xuan Fu to the Secretary sub-prefect, Thousand

From five items:

Civilian officials in the capital: the Imperial Academy Shi Du, Shi Jiang Imperial Academy Administrations for Frontier Minorities Shaoqing Temple, by the Bureau of Seba Division,

Deputy director of the government were people, messengers, ministers Yuanwai Lang

Outside the official civilian: states to know the state, to know the state of soil, Yan Yun Division Fushi, the Salt Division lifting lifting

Wu level Beijing officials: four other guards, the Commission brought the Department forward reference, the Committee led the Department of Hujun reference, the Committee participate in the Department of shotgun Hujun collar

Committee of the Department of striker guards, under the flag of coating parameters leading five, five ritual items, printed materials Zhang Jing,

Third Guard

Official Wu-job: the thousands at Defense Chief, River Camp co-fielding, An Fushi, Zhao Tao so, Xuan Fu to the Secretary Fushi,

Vice Thousand

Are six items:

Civilian officials in the capital: Cabinet Shi Du, Yun-around in the spring Square, the Imperial College Business Division, recruited by things, the principal,

Censorate all things, experience, supreme court about Si Cheng, who were government experience,

Chang Temple in the Manchu Sicheng, imprisonment Astronomical, Astronomical positive features of Chinese Spring in the fall and winter,

Music Office Department is God, the Division recorded about Buddhist charity, said about being a recording Secretary

Outside the official civilian: Beijing House pass sentence, the county magistrate in Beijing, pass sentence, pass sentence of soil

Wu level Beijing officials: Lan Ling guards, the entire instrument Wei, pro-military, striker school, military protection, military protection shotgun,

Xiaoqi schools, commissioned the Department of Military step

Official Wu-job: the door thousand total, thousands of the total business, the Secretary Ye Qian Xuan Fu thing, An Fushi Division sub-prefect, deputy Zhaotao so,

Executive so that, sir, one hundred

Six items from:

Civilian officials in the capital: about spring Chancery Square, the Imperial Academy Xiuzhuan, Guanglu Temple Department is,

Astronomical features are Manchuria Mongolia, Han Adam is, harmony Department is,

Education Secretary illustrates recorded about Monk, said about the Division recorded speech law

Civilian Foreign Officer: Chief experience, management asked, allow contractors, the state with the state Zhili, state the same, with the state soil

Wu level Beijing officials: Imperial Household Goods Lan Ling Six long, six items Ceremony

Official Wu-job: Health thousand total, An Fushi Fushi Division

Are seven items:

Civilian officials in the capital: Imperial Academy of editing, commentary about things supreme court, Dr. Chang Temple, Imperial College Jiancheng,

Cabinet classics, through the Secretary General, Governor, Chang Temple in the books, Taipu Si Lord??

Temple Treasury Department, Maybe Mars-in-command, Chang Temple in the time I wish Manchu officials, like Li Lang,

Like Ming Temple Manchuria Administrations for Frontier Minorities

Civilian outside the Officer: Deputy Administrative Jing County, Prof. Shuntian Manchuria, discipline, the magistrate, Justice of experience, Professor

Wu level Beijing officials: Shing Mun history, Tai Pusi horse collar factory Association

Official Wu-job: the Chief, Division Ye Qian An Fushi things, long case, Deputy Executive

From the seven items:

Civilian officials in the capital: the Imperial Academy Review, Miriam Wei Luan experiences in books science books, book cabinet, Zhanshi government primary??

Guanglu Shing Temple Department, Code? ⒐  Jun ⒅  pupae wind ┦ ⑶ battle tassel anger Rex Tang ɡ umbrella?

Department of veneration worship festival, harmony Services, Cheng

Post outside the official Beijing: Beijing government experience, are what the Chief Secretary, Yan Yun Division experience, Zhili sub-state, state contracting,

State sub-soil

Wu level Beijing officials: seven items Ceremony

Official Wu-job: Vice Wei Shengjing nomadic

Are eight items:

Civilian Beijing officials: Secretary Finance, Dr V., Imperial College School is, learning records, Astronomical Lord? ⑻  River  are health?

Lang Chang Temple Law Society, the Division recorded about preaching Buddhist and Taoist Temple about to spirit recording

Civilian Foreign Officer: Chief Secretary, Ambassador library, Yan Yun Treasurer, Ambassador, Ambassador library Salt Road, Salt Course Secretary, Ambassador

Guidelines approved by the Ambassador of salt testing, Justice governor, government experience, County Deputy Governor, Deputy Administrative disabilities,

Four's school record, state school is, didactic

Wu level Beijing officials: None

Official Wu-job: the total assigned thousands

From eight items:

Civilian officials in the capital: the Imperial Academy Code? ⒐  pupae sigh Hua Xun ⒑ battle tassel back wheel martingale ⑶ Di Kang  ?

Si Ji Cheng Department of worship, God Department of Music Department, Cheng, Monk recorded a Division felt about justice, about the Secretary to the meaning of Dao Lu

Civilian Foreign Officer: Chief Secretary Zhao mill, Yan Yun Division Governor, discipline

Wu level Beijing officials: eight items ceremonies, the Department of pro-military committee, the Committee forward the school department, the Department of Conservation Commission Military Academy, Department Xiaoqi School Committee

Official Wu-job: None

Nine are:

Civilian officials in the capital: in conjunction with the Ministry of Rites Hall four translation Ambassador Hou Astronomical supervisor, Division books, like Li Han Chang Temple Lang

Outside the official civilian: Justice according to mill, House Governor, prefect governor, through sub-governor, the county master thin

Wu level Beijing officials: Lan Ling long camps

Official Wu-job: the total assigned

From Nine:

Civilian officials in the capital: the Imperial Academy of paternity Chao, Manchuria hole mesh, in conjunction with the official translation of the Ministry of Rites four sequence classes, books Imperial College,

Han Ming Temple Administrations for Frontier Minorities like, sequence class, the prison Board of Punishments, Astronomical crows, Ph.D.,

Pacific Hospital of Li Mu, Chang Temple in the Division music, and Industry Division Carpenter

Civilian foreign officers; House Office of grinding according to the state Limu, Road Library Ambassador, the Secretary declared class ambassador, Ambassador House Tax Section Secretary,

Government Office of the Secretary for the prison, the Office of the Secretary positions in government, Ambassador, inspection, soil inspection

Wu level Beijing officials: Tai Pusi horse collar factory commissioned the Department of Society

Official Wu-job: the additional assigned

No inflow:

Civilian officials in the capital: the Imperial Academy hole mesh, Censorate library so, the Board of Rites of Engraving and Printing Bureau Ambassador, Maybe Mars Limu,

Chongwenmen Fushi

Outside the official civilian: Code history, soil typical history, customs, Ambassador House calibration, long lawsuit Limu, tea, the ambassador cited batch testing,

Salt Tea Ambassador, Yicheng, soil Yicheng, the official Riverbed, Zha officer, said Ambassador of the county positions

Wu level Beijing officials: None




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