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Named Numeric Color  Name Hex  RGB Decimal
lightpink    LightPink 浅粉红 #FFB6C1 255,182,193
pink    Pink 粉红 #FFC0CB 255,192,203
crimson    Crimson 猩红 (深红) #DC143C 220,20,60
lavenderblush    LavenderBlush 淡紫红 #FFF0F5 255,240,245
palevioletred    PaleVioletRed 弱紫罗兰红 #DB7093 219,112,147
hotpink    HotPink 热情的粉红 #FF69B4 255,105,180
deeppink    DeepPink 深粉红 #FF1493 255,20,147
mediumvioletred    MediumVioletRed 中紫罗兰红 #C71585 199,21,133
orchid    Orchid 兰花紫 #DA70D6 218,112,214
thistle    Thistle #D8BFD8 216,191,216
plum    Plum 李子紫 #DDA0DD 221,160,221
violet    Violet 紫罗兰 #EE82EE 238,130,238
magenta    Magenta 洋红 (品红 玫瑰红) #FF00FF 255,0,255
fuchsia    Fuchsia 灯笼海棠(紫红色) #FF00FF 255,0,255
darkmagenta    DarkMagenta 深洋红 #8B008B 139,0,139
purple    Purple 紫色 #800080 128,0,128
mediumorchid    MediumOrchid 中兰花紫 #BA55D3 186,85,211
darkviolet    DarkViolet 暗紫罗兰 #9400D3 148,0,211
darkorchid    DarkOrchid 暗兰花紫 #9932CC 153,50,204
indigo    Indigo 靛青 (紫兰色) #4B0082 75,0,130
blueviolet    BlueViolet 蓝紫罗兰 #8A2BE2 138,43,226
mediumpurple    MediumPurple 中紫色 #9370DB 147,112,219
mediumslateblue    MediumSlateBlue 中板岩蓝 #7B68EE 123,104,238
slateblue    SlateBlue 板岩蓝 #6A5ACD 106,90,205
darkslateblue    DarkSlateBlue 暗板岩蓝 #483D8B 72,61,139
lavender    Lavender 熏衣草淡紫 #E6E6FA 230,230,250
ghostwhite    GhostWhite 幽灵白 #F8F8FF 248,248,255
blue    Blue 纯蓝 #0000FF 0,0,255
mediumblue    MediumBlue 中蓝色 #0000CD 0,0,205
midnightblue    MidnightBlue 午夜蓝 #191970 25,25,112
darkblue    DarkBlue 暗蓝色 #00008B 0,0,139
navy    Navy 海军蓝 #000080 0,0,128
royalblue    RoyalBlue 皇家蓝 (宝蓝) #4169E1 65,105,225
cornflowerblue    CornflowerBlue 矢车菊蓝 #6495ED 100,149,237
lightsteelblue    LightSteelBlue 亮钢蓝 #B0C4DE 176,196,222
lightslategray    LightSlateGray 亮石板灰 #778899 119,136,153
slategray    SlateGray 石板灰 #708090 112,128,144
dodgerblue    DodgerBlue 道奇蓝 #1E90FF 30,144,255
aliceblue    AliceBlue 爱丽丝蓝 #F0F8FF 240,248,255
steelblue    SteelBlue 钢蓝 (铁青) #4682B4 70,130,180
lightskyblue    LightSkyBlue 亮天蓝色 #87CEFA 135,206,250
skyblue    SkyBlue 天蓝色 #87CEEB 135,206,235
deepskyblue    DeepSkyBlue 深天蓝 #00BFFF 0,191,255
lightblue    LightBlue 亮蓝 #ADD8E6 173,216,230
powderblue    PowderBlue 火药青 #B0E0E6 176,224,230
cadetblue    CadetBlue 军服蓝 #5F9EA0 95,158,160
azure    Azure 蔚蓝色 #F0FFFF 240,255,255
lightcyan    LightCyan 淡青色 #E0FFFF 224,255,255
paleturquoise    PaleTurquoise 弱绿宝石 #AFEEEE 175,238,238
cyan    Cyan 青色 #00FFFF 0,255,255
aqua    Aqua 水色 #00FFFF 0,255,255
darkturquoise    DarkTurquoise 暗绿宝石 #00CED1 0,206,209
darkslategray    DarkSlateGray 暗石板灰 #2F4F4F 47,79,79
darkcyan    DarkCyan 暗青色 #008B8B 0,139,139
teal    Teal 水鸭色 #008080 0,128,128
mediumturquoise    MediumTurquoise 中绿宝石 #48D1CC 72,209,204
lightseagreen    LightSeaGreen 浅海洋绿 #20B2AA 32,178,170
turquoise    Turquoise 绿宝石 #40E0D0 64,224,208
aquamarine    Aquamarine 宝石碧绿 #7FFFD4 127,255,212
mediumaquamarine    MediumAquamarine 中宝石碧绿 #66CDAA 102,205,170
mediumspringgreen    MediumSpringGreen 中春绿色 #00FA9A 0,250,154
mintcream    MintCream 薄荷奶油 #F5FFFA 245,255,250
springgreen    SpringGreen 春绿色 #00FF7F 0,255,127
mediumseagreen    MediumSeaGreen 中海洋绿 #3CB371 60,179,113
seagreen    SeaGreen 海洋绿 #2E8B57 46,139,87
honeydew    Honeydew 蜜瓜色 #F0FFF0 240,255,240
lightgreen    LightGreen 淡绿色 #90EE90 144,238,144
palegreen    PaleGreen 弱绿色 #98FB98 152,251,152
darkseagreen    DarkSeaGreen 暗海洋绿 #8FBC8F 143,188,143
limegreen    LimeGreen 闪光深绿 #32CD32 50,205,50
lime    Lime 闪光绿 #00FF00 0,255,0
forestgreen    ForestGreen 森林绿 #228B22 34,139,34
green    Green 纯绿 #008000 0,128,0
darkgreen    DarkGreen 暗绿色 #006400 0,100,0
chartreuse    Chartreuse** 查特酒绿 (黄绿色) #7FFF00 127,255,0
lawngreen    LawnGreen 草坪绿 #7CFC00 124,252,0
greenyellow    GreenYellow 绿黄色 #ADFF2F 173,255,47
darkolivegreen    DarkOliveGreen 暗橄榄绿 #556B2F 85,107,47
yellowgreen    YellowGreen 黄绿色 #9ACD32 154,205,50
olivedrab    OliveDrab 橄榄褐色 #6B8E23 107,142,35
beige    Beige 米色(灰棕色) #F5F5DC 245,245,220
lightgoldenrodyellow    LightGoldenrodYellow 亮菊黄 #FAFAD2 250,250,210
ivory    Ivory 象牙 #FFFFF0 255,255,240
lightyellow    LightYellow 浅黄色 #FFFFE0 255,255,224
yellow    Yellow 纯黄 #FFFF00 255,255,0
olive    Olive 橄榄 #808000 128,128,0
darkkhaki    DarkKhaki 深卡叽布 #BDB76B 189,183,107
lemonchiffon    LemonChiffon 柠檬绸 #FFFACD 255,250,205
palegoldenrod    PaleGoldenrod 灰菊黄 #EEE8AA 238,232,170
khaki    Khaki 卡叽布 #F0E68C 240,230,140
gold    Gold 金色 #FFD700 255,215,0
cornsilk    Cornsilk 玉米丝色 #FFF8DC 255,248,220
goldenrod    Goldenrod 金菊黄 #DAA520 218,165,32
darkgoldenrod    DarkGoldenrod 暗金菊黄 #B8860B 184,134,11
floralwhite    FloralWhite 花的白色 #FFFAF0 255,250,240
oldlace    OldLace 旧蕾丝 #FDF5E6 253,245,230
wheat    Wheat 小麦色 #F5DEB3 245,222,179
moccasin    Moccasin 鹿皮靴 #FFE4B5 255,228,181
orange    Orange 橙色 #FFA500 255,165,0
papayawhip    PapayaWhip 番木瓜 #FFEFD5 255,239,213
blanchedalmond    BlanchedAlmond 发白的杏仁色 #FFEBCD 255,235,205
navajowhite    NavajoWhite 土著白 #FFDEAD 255,222,173
antiquewhite    AntiqueWhite 古董白 #FAEBD7 250,235,215
tan    Tan 茶色 #D2B48C 210,180,140
burlywood    BurlyWood 硬木色 #DEB887 222,184,135
bisque    Bisque 陶坯黄 #FFE4C4 255,228,196
darkorange    DarkOrange 深橙色 #FF8C00 255,140,0
linen    Linen 亚麻布 #FAF0E6 250,240,230
peru    Peru 秘鲁 #CD853F 205,133,63
peachpuff    PeachPuff 桃肉色 #FFDAB9 255,218,185
sandybrown    SandyBrown 沙棕色 #F4A460 244,164,96
chocolate    Chocolate 巧克力 #D2691E 210,105,30
saddlebrown    SaddleBrown 马鞍棕色 #8B4513 139,69,19
seashell    Seashell 海贝壳 #FFF5EE 255,245,238
sienna    Sienna 黄土赭色 #A0522D 160,82,45
lightsalmon    LightSalmon 浅鲑鱼肉色 #FFA07A 255,160,122
coral    Coral 珊瑚 #FF7F50 255,127,80
orangered    OrangeRed 橙红色 #FF4500 255,69,0
darksalmon    DarkSalmon 深鲜肉(鲑鱼)色 #E9967A 233,150,122
tomato    Tomato 番茄红 #FF6347 255,99,71
mistyrose #FFE4E1 MistyRose 薄雾玫瑰 #FFE4E1 255,228,225
salmon    Salmon 鲜肉(鲑鱼)色 #FA8072 250,128,114
snow    Snow #FFFAFA 255,250,250
lightcoral    LightCoral 淡珊瑚色 #F08080 240,128,128
rosybrown    RosyBrown 玫瑰棕色 #BC8F8F 188,143,143
indianred    IndianRed 印度红 #CD5C5C 205,92,92
red    Red 纯红 #FF0000 255,0,0
brown    Brown 棕色 #A52A2A 165,42,42
firebrick    FireBrick 耐火砖 #B22222 178,34,34
darkred    DarkRed 深红色 #8B0000 139,0,0
maroon    Maroon 栗色 #800000 128,0,0
white    White 纯白 #FFFFFF 255,255,255
whitesmoke    WhiteSmoke 白烟 #F5F5F5 245,245,245
gainsboro    Gainsboro 庚斯博罗灰色 #DCDCDC 220,220,220
lightgrey    LightGrey 浅灰色 #D3D3D3 211,211,211
silver    Silver 银灰色 #C0C0C0 192,192,192
darkgray    DarkGray 深灰色 #A9A9A9 169,169,169
gray    Gray 灰色 #808080 128,128,128
dimgray    DimGray 暗淡的灰色 #696969 105,105,105
black    Black 纯黑 #000000 0,0,0

████ 粉红,即浅红色。别称:妃色 杨妃色 湘妃色 妃红色
████ 妃色 妃红色:古同“绯”,粉红色。杨妃色 湘妃色 粉红皆同义。
████ 品红:比大红浅的红色 (quester注:这里的“品红”估计是指的“一品红”,是基于大红色系的,和现在我们印刷用色的“品红M100”不是一个概念)
████ 桃红,桃花的颜色,比粉红略鲜润的颜色。 (quester注:不大于M70的色彩,有时可加入适量黄色)
████ 海棠红,淡紫红色、较桃红色深一些,是非常妩媚娇艳的颜色。
████ 石榴红:石榴花的颜色,高色度和纯度的红色。
████ 樱桃色:鲜红色
████ 银红:银朱和粉红色颜料配成的颜色。多用来形容有光泽的各种红色,尤指有光泽浅红。
████ 大红:正红色,三原色中的红,传统的中国红,又称绛色 (quester注:RGB 色中的 R255 系列明度)
████ 绛紫:紫中略带红的颜色
████ 绯红:艳丽的深红
████ 胭脂:1,女子装扮时用的胭脂的颜色。2,国画暗红色颜料
████ 朱红:朱砂的颜色,比大红活泼,也称铅朱 朱色 丹色 (quester注:在YM对等的情况下,适量减少红色的成分就是该色的色彩系列感觉)
████ 丹:丹砂的鲜艳红色
████ 彤:赤色
████ 茜色:茜草染的色彩,呈深红色
████ 火红:火焰的红色,赤色
████ 赫赤:深红,火红。泛指赤色、火红色。
████ 嫣红:鲜艳的红色
████ 洋红:色橘红 (quester注:这个色彩方向不太对,通常洋红指的是倾向于M100系列的红色,应该削弱黄色成分。)
████ 炎:引申为红色。
████ 赤:本义火的颜色,即红色
████ 绾:绛色;浅绛色。
████ 枣红:即深红 (quester注:色相不变,是深浅变化)
████ 檀:浅红色,浅绛色。
████ 殷红:发黑的红色。
████ 酡红:像饮酒后脸上泛现的红色,泛指脸红
████ 酡颜:饮酒脸红的样子。亦泛指脸红色

████ 鹅黄:淡黄色 (quester注:鹅嘴的颜色,高明度微偏红黄色)
████ 鸭黄:小鸭毛的黄色
████ 樱草色:淡黄色
████ 杏黄:成熟杏子的黄色 (quester注:Y100 M20~30 感觉的色彩,比较常用且有浓郁中国味道)
████ 杏红:成熟杏子偏红色的一种颜色
████ 橘黄:柑橘的黄色。
████ 橙黄:同上。 (quester注:Y100 M50 感觉的色彩,现代感比较强。广告上用得较多)
████ 橘红:柑橘皮所呈现的红色。
████ 姜黄:中药名。别名黄姜。为姜科植物姜黄的根茎。又指人脸色不正,呈黄白色
████ 缃色:浅黄色。
████ 橙色:界于红色和黄色之间的混合色。
████ 茶色:一种比栗色稍红的棕橙色至浅棕色
████ 驼色:一种比咔叽色稍红而微淡、比肉桂色黄而稍淡和比核桃棕色黄而暗的浅黄棕色
████ 昏黄:形容天色、灯光等呈幽暗的黄色
████ 栗色:栗壳的颜色。即紫黑色
████ 棕色:棕毛的颜色,即褐色。1,在红色和黄色之间的任何一种颜色2,适中的暗淡和适度的浅黑。
████ 棕绿:绿中泛棕色的一种颜色。
████ 棕黑:深棕色。
████ 棕红:红褐色。
████ 棕黄:浅褐色。
████ 赭:赤红如赭土的颜料,古人用以饰面
████ 赭色:红色、赤红色。
████ 琥珀:
████ 褐色: 黄黑色
████ 枯黄:干枯焦黄
████ 黄栌:一种落叶灌木,花黄绿色,叶子秋天变成红色。木材黄色可做染料。
████ 秋色:1,中常橄榄棕色,它比一般橄榄棕色稍暗,且稍稍绿些。2,古以秋为金,其色白,故代指白色。
████ 秋香色:浅橄榄色 浅黄绿色。 (quester注:直接在Y中掺入k10~30可得到不同浓淡的该类色彩)

████ 嫩绿:像刚长出的嫩叶的浅绿色
████ 柳黄:像柳树芽那样的浅黄色
████ 柳绿:柳叶的青绿色
████ 竹青:竹子的绿色
████ 葱黄:黄绿色,嫩黄色
████ 葱绿:1,浅绿又略显微黄的颜色2,草木青翠的样子
████ 葱青:淡淡的青绿色
████ 葱倩:青绿色
████ 青葱:翠绿色,形容植物浓绿
████ 油绿:光润而浓绿的颜色。以上几种绿色都是明亮可爱的色彩。
████ 绿沈(沉):深绿
████ 碧色:1,青绿色。2,青白色,浅蓝色。
████ 碧绿:鲜艳的青绿色
████ 青碧:鲜艳的青蓝色
████ 翡翠色:1,翡翠鸟羽毛的青绿色。2,翡翠宝石的颜色。 (quester注:C-Y≥30 的系列色彩,多与白色配合以体现清新明丽感觉,与黑色配合效果不好:该色个性柔弱,会被黑色牵制)
████ 草绿:绿而略黄的颜色。
████ 青色:1,一类带绿的蓝色,中等深浅,高度饱和。3,本义是蓝色。4,一般指深绿色。5,也指黑色。6,四色印刷中的一色。2,特指三补色中的一色。
████ 青翠:鲜绿
████ 青白:白而发青,尤指脸没有血色
████ 鸭卵青:淡青灰色,极淡的青绿色
████ 蟹壳青:深灰绿色
████ 鸦青:鸦羽的颜色。即黑而带有紫绿光的颜色。
████ 绿色:1,在光谱中介于蓝与黄之间的那种颜色。2,本义:青中带黄的颜色。3,引申为黑色,如绿鬓:乌黑而光亮的鬓发。代指为青春年少的容颜。 (quester注:现代色彩研究中,把绿色提高到了一个重要的位置,和其它红黄兰三原色并列研究,称做“心理原色”之一)
████ 豆绿:浅黄绿色
████ 豆青:浅青绿色
████ 石青:淡灰绿色
████ 玉色:玉的颜色,高雅的淡绿、淡青色
████ 缥:绿色而微白
████ 艾绿:艾草的颜色。偏苍白的绿色。
████ 松柏绿:经冬松柏叶的深绿
████ 松花绿:亦作“松花”、“松绿”。偏黑的深绿色,墨绿。
████ 松花色:浅黄绿色。(松树花粉的颜色)《红楼梦》中提及松花配桃红为娇艳 ████

████ 蓝:三原色的一种。像晴天天空的颜色 (quester注:这里的蓝色指的不是RGB色彩中的B,而是CMY色彩中的C)
████ 靛青:也叫“蓝靛”。用蓼蓝叶泡水调和与石灰沉淀所得的蓝色染料。呈深蓝绿色 (quester注:靛,发音dian四声,有些地方将蓝墨水称为“靛水”或者“兰靛水”)
████ 靛蓝:由植物(例如靛蓝或菘蓝属植物)得到的蓝色染料
████ 碧蓝:青蓝色
████ 蔚蓝:类似晴朗天空的颜色的一种蓝色
████ 宝蓝:鲜艳明亮的蓝色 (quester注:英文中为 RoyalBlue 即皇家蓝色,是皇室选用的色彩,多和小面积纯黄色(金色)配合使用。)
████ 蓝灰色:一种近于灰略带蓝的深灰色
████ 藏青:蓝而近黑
████ 藏蓝:蓝里略透红色
████ 黛:青黑色的颜料。古代女子用以画眉。
████ 黛螺:绘画或画眉所使用的青黑色颜料,代指女子眉妩。
████ 黛色:青黑色。
████ 黛绿:墨绿。
████ 黛蓝:深蓝色
████ 黛紫:深紫色
████ 紫色:蓝和红组成的颜色。古人以紫为祥瑞的颜色。代指与帝王、皇宫有关的事物。
████ 紫酱:浑浊的紫色
████ 酱紫:紫中略带红的颜色
████ 紫檀:檀木的颜色,也称乌檀色 乌木色
████ 绀青 绀紫:纯度较低的深紫色
████ 紫棠:黑红色
████ 青莲:偏蓝的紫色
████ 群青:深蓝色
████ 雪青:浅蓝紫色
████ 丁香色:紫丁香的颜色,浅浅的紫色,很娇柔淡雅的色彩
████ 藕色:浅灰而略带红的颜色
████ 藕荷色:浅紫而略带红的颜色

████ 苍色:即各种颜色掺入黑色后的颜色,如苍翠████ 苍黄████ 苍青████ 苍黑████ 苍白████ (quester注:准确的说是掺入不同灰度级别的灰色)
████ 水色:水红████ 水绿████ 水蓝████ 淡青████ 湖蓝████ 湖绿████皆是浅色。
████ 深色淡色:颜色深的或浅的,不再一一列出。

████ 精白:纯白,洁白,净白,粉白。
████ 象牙白:乳白色
████ 雪白:如雪般洁白
████ 月白:淡蓝色
████ 缟:白色
████ 素:白色,无色
████ 荼白:如荼之白色
████ 霜色:白霜的颜色。
▓▓▓▓ 花白:白色和黑色混杂的。斑白的 夹杂有灰色的白
████ 鱼肚白:似鱼腹部的颜色,多指黎明时东方的天色颜色 (quester注:M5 Y5)
████ 莹白:晶莹洁白
████ 灰色:黑色和白色混和成的一种颜色
████ 牙色:与象牙相似的淡黄色 (quester注:暖白)
████ 铅白:铅粉的白色。铅粉,国画颜料,日久易氧化“返铅”变黑。铅粉在古时用以搽脸的化妆品。 (quester注:冷白)

████ 玄色:赤黑色,黑中带红的颜色,又泛指黑色
████ 玄青:深黑色
████ 乌色:暗而呈黑的颜色
████ 乌黑:深黑;漆黑
████ 漆黑:非常黑的
████ 墨色:即黑色
████ 墨灰:即黑灰
████ 黑色:亮度最低的非彩色的或消色差的物体的颜色;最暗的灰色;与白色截然不同的消色差的颜色;被认为特别属于那些既不能反射、又不能透过能使人感觉到的微小入射光的物体,任何亮度很低的物体颜色。
████ 缁色:帛黑色
████ 煤黑象牙黑:都是黑,不过有冷暖之分。
████ 黧:黑中带黄的颜色
████ 黎:黑中带黄似黎草色
████ 黝:本义为淡黑色或微青黑色。
████ 黝黑:(皮肤暴露在太阳光下而晒成的)青黑色
████ 黯:深黑色、泛指黑色
████ 赤金:足金的颜色
████ 金色:平均为深黄色带光泽的颜色
████ 银白:带银光的白色
████ 铜绿 ████乌金 ████老银:金属氧化后的色彩



████ 银朱:呈暗粉色。
████ 胭脂:色暗红。用红蓝花、茜草、紫梗三种植物制成的颜料,年代久则有褪色的现象。
████ 朱砂:色朱红。用以画花卉、禽鸟羽毛。 (quester注:黄色成分微高于红色成分,色艳丽,需注意与背景色调和,多数情况下不大面积使用。)
████ 朱膘:色橘红。明度比朱砂高,彩度比朱砂低。用以画花卉。
████ 赭石:色红褐。用以画山石、树干、老枝叶。
████ 石青:色青,依深浅分为-头青、二青、三青。用以画叶或山石。
████ 石绿:依深浅分为-头绿、二绿、三绿。用以画山石、树干、叶、点苔等。
████ 白粉:亦称胡粉,色白,有蛤粉和铅粉两种。用以画白花、鸟,或调配其他颜料使用。
████ 花青:色藏青。用以画枝叶、山石、水波等。用蓼蓝或大蓝的叶子制成蓝靛,再提炼出来的青色颜料,蓝绿色或藏蓝色。用途相当广,可调藤黄成草绿或嫩绿色。广花,颜料。即广东产的花青。 (quester注:微含红色成分,故与黄色调和后生成的绿色较为沉着)
████ 藤黄:色明黄。用以画花卉、枝叶。藤黄:明黄色。南方热带林中的海藤树,常绿乔木,茎高达二十米,从其树皮凿孔,流出黄色树脂,以竹筒承接,干透可作国画颜料。 (quester注:亦含微量红色成分,有毒。和黑色配合时甚为醒目,多为危险警示色彩)
████ 赭石色:暗棕色矿物,用做颜料
████ 雌黄:矿物名。成分是三硫化二砷(As2S3)橙黄色,半透明,可用来制颜料。古人用雌黄来涂改文字,因此称乱改文字、乱发议论为“妄下雌黄”,称不顾事实、随口乱说为“信口雌黄”。
████ 雄黄:中药名。为含硫化砷的矿石。别名石黄、黄石。
████ 石黄:国画颜料,即雄黄。
████ 洋红:色橘红。用以画花卉。


飞金 泥金 洒金:用金粉或金属粉制成的金色涂料,用来装饰笺纸或调和在油漆中涂饰器物。洒金一说是指带斑点的图案。


Named Numeric Color Name Hex RGB Decimal
LightPink light pink # FFB6C1 255,182,193
Pink Pink # FFC0CB 255,192,203
Crimson scarlet (dark red) # DC143C 220,20,60
LavenderBlush purple red # FFF0F5 255,240,245
PaleVioletRed weak Violet Red # DB7093 219,112,147
HotPink warm pink # FF69B4 255,105,180
DeepPink deep pink # FF1493 255,20,147
MediumVioletRed in violet red # C71585 199,21,133
Orchid Orchid Purple # DA70D6 218,112,214
Thistle Thistle # D8BFD8 216,191,216
Plum Plum Purple # DDA0DD 221,160,221
Violet Violet # EE82EE 238,130,238
Magenta Magenta (Magenta Rose) # FF00FF 255,0,255
Fuchsia Begonia lantern (purple) # FF00FF 255,0,255
DarkMagenta deep magenta # 8B008B 139,0,139
Purple Purple # 800080 128,0,128
MediumOrchid in orchid purple # BA55D3 186,85,211
DarkViolet dark violet # 9400D3 148,0,211
DarkOrchid Dark orchid Purple # 9932CC 153,50,204
Indigo Indigo (violet blue) # 4B0082 75,0,130
BlueViolet violet Roland # 8A2BE2 138,43,226
MediumPurple in purple # 9370DB 147,112,219
MediumSlateBlue in Slate Blue # 7B68EE 123,104,238
SlateBlue slate blue # 6A5ACD 106,90,205
DarkSlateBlue dark slate blue # 483D8B 72,61,139
Lavender lavender purple # E6E6FA 230,230,250
GhostWhite ghost white # F8F8FF 248,248,255
Blue Pure Blue # 0000FF 0,0,255
MediumBlue in blue # 0000CD 0,0,205
MidnightBlue Midnight Blue # 191970 25,25,112
DarkBlue Dark Blue # 00008B 0,0,139
Navy navy # 000080 0,0,128
RoyalBlue Royal Blue (sapphire blue) # 4169E1 65,105,225
CornflowerBlue cornflower blue # 6495ED 100,149,237
LightSteelBlue light steel blue # B0C4DE 176,196,222
LightSlateGray light slate gray # 778899 119,136,153
SlateGray slate gray # 708090 112,128,144
DodgerBlue Dodge Blue # 1E90FF 30,144,255
AliceBlue Alice Blue # F0F8FF 240,248,255
SteelBlue steel blue (livid) # 4682B4 70,130,180
LightSkyBlue bright blue # 87CEFA 135,206,250
SkyBlue blue # 87CEEB 135,206,235
DeepSkyBlue deep sky blue # 00BFFF 0,191,255
Brilliant Blue # ADD8E6 173,216,230 LightBlue
PowderBlue powder blue # B0E0E6 176,224,230
CadetBlue uniform blue # 5F9EA0 95,158,160
Azure blue # F0FFFF 240,255,255
LightCyan light cyan # E0FFFF 224,255,255
PaleTurquoise weak Emerald # AFEEEE 175,238,238
Cyan Cyan # 00FFFF 0,255,255
Aqua Aqua # 00FFFF 0,255,255
DarkTurquoise dark green gem # 00CED1 0,206,209
DarkSlateGray dark slate gray # 2F4F4F 47,79,79
DarkCyan dark cyan # 008B8B 0,139,139
Teal teal color # 008,080 0,128,128
MediumTurquoise in emerald # 48D1CC 72,209,204
LightSeaGreen shallow ocean Green # 20B2AA 32,178,170
Turquoise Emerald # 40E0D0 64,224,208
Aquamarine gem green # 7FFFD4 127,255,212
MediumAquamarine green gem # 66CDAA 102,205,170
MediumSpringGreen in Spring Green # 00FA9A 0,250,154
MintCream mint cream # F5FFFA 245,255,250
SpringGreen Spring Green # 00FF7F 0,255,127
MediumSeaGreen in Ocean Green # 3CB371 60,179,113
SeaGreen marine Green # 2E8B57 46,139,87
Honeydew Melon color # F0FFF0 240,255,240
LightGreen light green # 90EE90 144,238,144
PaleGreen Weak Green # 98FB98 152,251,152
DarkSeaGreen dark sea green # 8FBC8F 143,188,143
LimeGreen # 32CD32 50,205,50 Flash dark green
Lime Green # 00FF00 0,255,0 flash
ForestGreen forest green # 228B22 34,139,34
Green Pure Green # 008000 0,128,0
DarkGreen Dark Green # 006400 0,100,0
Chartreuse ** Charter wine green (yellow green) # 7FFF00 127,255,0
LawnGreen lawn green # 7CFC00 124,252,0
GreenYellow green-yellow # ADFF2F 173,255,47
DarkOliveGreen dark olive green # 556B2F 85,107,47
YellowGreen yellow green # 9ACD32 154,205,50
OliveDrab olive brown # 6B8E23 107,142,35
Beige beige (gray brown) # F5F5DC 245,245,220
LightGoldenrodYellow Liang Ju Huang # FAFAD2 250,250,210
Ivory Ivory # FFFFF0 255,255,240
LightYellow yellow # FFFFE0 255,255,224
Yellow # FFFF00 255,255,0 pure yellow
Olive Olive # 808000 128,128,0
DarkKhaki Shenkajibu # BDB76B 189,183,107
LemonChiffon lemon silk # FFFACD 255,250,205
PaleGoldenrod gray chrysanthemum # EEE8AA 238,232,170
Khaki card grumble cloth # F0E68C 240,230,140
Gold Gold # FFD700 255,215,0
Cornsilk Sphacelotheca color # FFF8DC 255,248,220
Goldenrod Yellow # DAA520 218,165,32 micrantha
DarkGoldenrod dark yellow # B8860B 184,134,11 micrantha
FloralWhite flowers white # FFFAF0 255,250,240
OldLace Old Lace # FDF5E6 253,245,230
Wheat Wheat color # F5DEB3 245,222,179
Moccasin Boots # FFE4B5 255,228,181 deer
Orange Orange # FFA500 255,165,0
PapayaWhip papaya # FFEFD5 255,239,213
BlanchedAlmond white almond color # FFEBCD 255,235,205
NavajoWhite indigenous white # FFDEAD 255,222,173
AntiqueWhite antique white # FAEBD7 250,235,215
Tan Brown # D2B48C 210,180,140
BurlyWood hardwood color # DEB887 222,184,135
Bisque pottery blank yellow # FFE4C4 255,228,196
DarkOrange deep orange # FF8C00 255,140,0
Linen Linen # FAF0E6 250,240,230
Peru Peru # CD853F 205,133,63
PeachPuff peach flesh # FFDAB9 255,218,185
SandyBrown sandy brown # F4A460 244,164,96
Chocolate Chocolate # D2691E 210,105,30
SaddleBrown saddle brown # 8B4513 139,69,19
Seashell sea shell # FFF5EE 255,245,238
Sienna # A0522D 160,82,45 Sienna loess
LightSalmon light salmon color # FFA07A 255,160,122
Coral Coral # FF7F50 255,127,80
OrangeRed orange-red # FF4500 255,69,0
DarkSalmon dark meat (salmon) color # E9967A 233,150,122
Tomato Tomato red # FF6347 255,99,71
MistyRose mist rose # FFE4E1 255,228,225
Salmon meat (salmon) color # FA8072 250,128,114
Snow Snow # FFFAFA 255,250,250
LightCoral light coral # F08080 240,128,128
RosyBrown Rose Brown # BC8F8F 188,143,143
IndianRed Indian Red # CD5C5C 205,92,92
Red pure red # FF0000 255,0,0
Brown Brown # A52A2A 165,42,42
FireBrick firebrick # B22222 178,34,34
DarkRed # 8B0000 139,0,0 crimson
Maroon maroon # 800000 128,0,0
White White # FFFFFF 255,255,255
WhiteSmoke white smoke # F5F5F5 245,245,245
Gainsboro Gainsborough Gray # DCDCDC 220,220,220
LightGrey light gray # D3D3D3 211,211,211
Silver silver # C0C0C0 192,192,192
DarkGray dark gray # A9A9A9 169,169,169
Gray Gray # 808080 128,128,128
DimGray dim gray # 696969 105,105,105
Black Pure Black # 000000 0,0,0

█ █ █ █ pink, or light red. Another name: color Yang Fei Fei Fei color red color Xiang Concubine
█ █ █ █ Fei Fei color red: the same old, "Fei", pink. Yang Fei Xiang Concubine color pink color are synonymous.
█ █ █ █ magenta: red than red light (quester Note: Here the "magenta" estimate refers to the "poinsettia" is based on the color of red, and now we are printing color "magenta M100" is not a concept)
█ █ █ █ pink, peach color, slightly higher than with fresh pink color. (Quester Note: no more than M70's color, sometimes adding appropriate yellow)
█ █ █ █ Begonia red, purple red, deep pink than some, is a very feminine charm of color.
█ █ █ █ Pomegranate Red: pomegranate color, high color and purity of the red.
█ █ █ █ cherry color: bright red
█ █ █ █ Silver Red: vermilion and pink paint dubbed color. Usually used to describe a variety of shiny red, especially a shiny light red.
█ █ █ █ red: is red, the three primary colors of red, the traditional Chinese red, also known as The Crimson (quester Note: RGB color in the R255 series of lightness)
█ █ █ █ deep plum: slightly red in the color purple
█ █ █ █ crimson: bright crimson
█ █ █ █ rouge: 1, when women dress up the color with rouge. 2, painting dark red pigment
█ █ █ █ red: the color of cinnabar, and lively than the red, also known as the lead juju Shikotan color (quester Note: YM on such cases, appropriate components to reduce the red color of the color series is the feeling)
█ █ █ █ Dan: the bright red cinnabar
█ █ █ █ Tong: Red
█ █ █ █ Sin Color: Madder dye color was dark red
█ █ █ █ flaming: flame red, red
█ █ █ █ He red: dark red, red. Refers to red, fire red.
█ █ █ █ bright red: bright red
█ █ █ █ magenta: color orange (quester Note: The color direction is not right, usually magenta means tend M100 series of red, yellow component should be reduced.)
█ █ █ █ Yan: the idea was red.
█ █ █ █ red: the original meaning of the color of fire, or red
█ █ █ █ York: Crimson; Qianjiang color.
█ █ █ █ Claret: a dark red (quester Note: the same hue, is the depth of change)
█ █ █ █ Tan: light red, Qianjiang color.
█ █ █ █ bright red: black, red.
█ █ █ █ flushed red: the Pan-like drink, his face is red, refers to blush
█ █ █ █ flushed Yen: drinking blush look. Also refers to the red face

█ █ █ █ light yellow: yellow (quester Note: the color of goose mouth, brilliant reddish yellow micro degrees)
█ █ █ █ yellow duck: duckling yellow hair
█ █ █ █ primrose color: yellow
█ █ █ █ apricot: ripe apricot yellow (quester Note: Y100 M20 ~ 30 feel the color, the more common and there is strong Chinese flavor)
█ █ █ █ Xinghong: ripe apricots partial red color
█ █ █ █ orange: citrus yellow.
█ █ █ █ Orange: Ibid. (Quester Note: Y100 M50 sense of color, modern and strong. Advertisements used more)
█ █ █ █ orange: orange red skin presented.
█ █ █ █ turmeric: Chinese name. Alias turmeric. Turmeric, ginger plants for the roots. Also refers to people who face unjust, yellow white
█ █ █ █ 缃 color: light yellow.
█ █ █ █ orange: red and yellow circles in between the blend color.
█ █ █ █ Brown: A little red chestnut brown than orange to light brown
█ █ █ █ camel: a khaki color than the lighter shades of red and slightly, slightly yellow color than the pale cinnamon and walnut brown than yellow and dark yellow brown
█ █ █ █ yellow: describe the weather and lighting was dark yellow
█ █ █ █ maroon: the color of chestnut shells. The purple
█ █ █ █ brown: brown hair color, or brown. 1, between the red and yellow color in any of 2, moderate dim and moderate light black.
█ █ █ █ Brown Green: Green in the pan-brown color.
█ █ █ █ dark brown: dark brown.
█ █ █ █ reddish brown: red-brown.
█ █ █ █ brownish yellow: light brown.
█ █ █ █ ocher: blood-red pigments such as ocher, the ancients used to finish
█ █ █ █ ocher: red, red red.
█ █ █ █ amber:
█ █ █ █ brown: yellow and black
█ █ █ █ yellow: dry brown
█ █ █ █ coggygria: A deciduous shrub, flowers yellow green leaves turn red in autumn. Wood yellow dye can do.
█ █ █ █ Autumn: 1, often olive-brown, olive brown Shaoan than normal, and a little more green. 2, ancient to fall for the gold, the color white, it is to mean white.
█ █ █ █ Surge in color: yellow light olive green. (Quester Note: directly in the Y k10 ~ 30 obtained by mixing different shades of such colors)

█ █ █ █ verdant: Attempt to do me, light green leaves that grows
█ █ █ █ Liu Huang: willow buds like that kind of light yellow
█ █ █ █ Liulv: blue green willow
█ █ █ █ mingled: the green bamboo
█ █ █ █ onion yellow: yellow green, bright yellow
█ █ █ █ light green: 1, slightly yellowish light green color of 2, then, look like green grass and trees
█ █ █ █ green onion: a touch of green
█ █ █ █ onion Qian: Green Green
█ █ █ █ green: emerald green, dark green plants described
█ █ █ █ glossy dark green: dark green Guangrun and color. Some are bright green above the lovely colors.
█ █ █ █ Green Shen (Shen): dark green
█ █ █ █ Bise: 1, blue green. 2, Qing Baise, light blue.
█ █ █ █ green: bright turquoise
█ █ █ █ Bik: bright blue blue
█ █ █ █ Jade Color: 1, Jade Bird feathers green. 2, the color of jade stones. (Quester Note: CY ≥ 30 in the series of colors, to reflect more with the fresh, bright white with the feel, and black with bad results: the weak color personality, would be a black check)
█ █ █ █ grass green: green and slightly yellow color.
█ █ █ █ Cyan: 1, one with green, blue, medium-depth, highly saturated. 3, the original meaning is blue. 4, generally refers to dark green. 5, also refers to black. 6, four-color printing in one color. 2, especially as the three complementary color in the same color.
█ █ █ █ green: bright green
█ █ █ █ plainer: white, hair green, especially face bloodless
█ █ █ █ duck egg blue: TANSEI gray, very light blue green
Blue crab █ █ █ █: dark gray green
█ █ █ █ Arthur Green: the color of raven feathers. That black and green with a purple color.
█ █ █ █ Green: 1, intermediate in the spectrum between blue and yellow kind of color. 2, the original meaning: green and yellow colors. 3, the idea was black, as Lvbin: black and shiny hair on the temples. Generation refers to the face was young. (Quester Note: modern color studies, the green up to a major position, and the other three primary colors red, yellow, blue tie study, called the "psychological primaries" is one)
█ █ █ █ Green beans: yellow green
█ █ █ █ Green beans: light blue green
█ █ █ █ azurite: Green light gray
█ █ █ █ jade: the color of jade, elegant light green, light cyan
█ █ █ █ pale green: green and whitish
█ █ █ █ Ai green: the color of wormwood. Partial pale green.
█ █ █ █ Evergreen Green: The dark green leaves in winter Evergreen
█ █ █ █ Songhua Green: is for "Songhua", "pine green." Partial black dark green, dark green.
█ █ █ █ loose color: yellow green. (The color of pine pollen) "Dream of Red Mansions" mentioned in the Songhua with pink as delicate and charming █ █ █ █

█ █ █ █ blue: RGB one. Sunny sky as the color of (quester Note: This refers not to the blue color in RGB B, but the CMY color in C)
█ █ █ █ indigo: Also called "Indigo." Reconcile with indigo leaves soaked in water and lime precipitation from the blue dye. Showed a dark blue green (quester Note: indigo, pronunciation dian four tones, the blue ink in some places called "indigo water" or "indigo blue water")
█ █ █ █ indigo: from plants (for example, or Isatis indigo plant) by the blue dye
█ █ █ █ blue: blue blue
█ █ █ █ blue: color of the sky like a clear blue
█ █ █ █ sapphire blue: bright bright blue (quester Note: English for RoyalBlue the Royal Blue is the color of the Royal optional, multi-and small area of pure yellow (gold) complex used.)
█ █ █ █ blue gray: a near-dark gray slightly blue
█ █ █ █ dark blue: blue and nearly black
█ █ █ █ Canglan: a little blue in the red through
█ █ █ █ D: young black pigment. Ancient times, women used to thrush.
█ █ █ █ Dai Lo: painting or thrush young black paint used on behalf of that dainty women's eyebrows.
█ █ █ █ Dai-color: blue black.
█ █ █ █ Dailv: dark green.
█ █ █ █ Dai Blue: Deep Blue
█ █ █ █ Dai purple: deep purple
█ █ █ █ Purple: the color blue and red composition. In ancient China the color purple as auspicious. Generation refers to the emperor, the palace about things.
█ █ █ █ purple sauce: purple haze
█ █ █ █ Jiangzi: slightly red in the color purple
█ █ █ █ Rosewood: sandalwood color, also known as Nauclea color ebony
█ █ █ █ Gan Qing Gan purple: purple low purity
█ █ █ █ Purple Tang: dark red
█ █ █ █ Ching Lin: bluish purple
█ █ █ █ ultramarine: dark blue
█ █ █ █ lilac: light blue purple
█ █ █ █ lilac: lilac color, and the light purple, very delicate and elegant color
█ █ █ █ pale pinkish gray: light gray and slightly red color
█ █ █ █ pale pinkish purple color: purple and red colors slightly

█ █ █ █ Cang color: the incorporation of a variety of colors after the color black, such as greenish yellow green █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ Cang Cang blue black white █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ (quester Note: accurately be said that incorporation of different gray levels of gray)
█ █ █ █ color: Green Area fructus █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ocean blue TANSEI Sky Blue █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ Green Lake are all light.
█ █ █ █ dark tint: Color deep or shallow, is no longer listed.

█ █ █ █ refined white: white, white, clean and white, Koshiro.
█ █ █ █ ivory: milky white
█ █ █ █ snow white: snow-like white
█ █ █ █ pale blue: light blue
█ █ █ █ onyx: White
█ █ █ █ elements: white, colorless
█ █ █ █ Tu White: If the white Tu
█ █ █ █ cream color: white frost color.
▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ gray: white and black mixed. Grizzled gray mixed with white
█ █ █ █ gray dawn: like fish belly color, multi-fingered dawn the eastern sky color (quester Note: M5 Y5)
█ █ █ █ pale: white crystal
█ █ █ █ gray: black and white into a color mixture
█ █ █ █ tooth color: light yellow with ivory similar (quester Note: Warm White)
█ █ █ █ lead white: white lead powder. Lead powder, painting color, lack of easily oxidized "lead back to" black. Lead powder in the paint on the face of the cosmetics used in ancient times. (Quester Note: Cool White)

█ █ █ █ color was xuan: red black, black and red colors, it generally refers to black
█ █ █ █ Xuanqing: dark
█ █ █ █ Ukraine color: dark and the color was black
█ █ █ █ black: deep black; dark
█ █ █ █ the dark: very black
█ █ █ █ ink: the black
█ █ █ █ Mexican gray: the dark gray
█ █ █ █ black: the lowest brightness of color or non-achromatic color of objects; most dark gray; with different achromatic white color; are considered particularly among those who can not reflection, can not by small incident can make people feel objects, objects of any brightness very low color.
█ █ █ █ Buddhists color: black silk
█ █ █ █ coal black ivory black: all black, but there is heating of the points.
█ █ █ █ dark: black and yellow colors
█ █ █ █ Li: black with yellow grass like Li
█ █ █ █ black: the original meaning of black or light blue to black light.
█ █ █ █ dark: (skin exposure to sunlight and tanned the) young black
█ █ █ █ dark: dark, refers to black
█ █ █ █ pure gold: gold color
█ █ █ █ gold: the average for the deep yellow color with a gloss
█ █ █ █ silvery white: white with silver
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ aeruginosa Sleeve █ █ █ █ old silver: metal oxidation colors


Painting colors

█ █ █ █ vermilion: dark-pink.
█ █ █ █ rouge: color dark red. Red and blue flower, madder, purple stems of three plant-based paint, there's a long time fading phenomenon.
█ █ █ █ cinnabar: color red. For painting flowers, birds and feathers. (Quester Note: The yellow component slightly above the red component, the color is gorgeous, need to pay attention to the background color and, in most cases is not an area of use.)
█ █ █ █ Zhu fat: color orange. Higher than the cinnabar brightness, saturation lower than cinnabar. For painting flowers.
█ █ █ █ ocher: color reddish brown. For painting rocks, tree trunks, old leaves.
█ █ █ █ azurite: color blue, according to the depth into - the first green, 2 blue, 3 green. For painting leaves or rocks.
█ █ █ █ Shilv: according to the depth into - the first green, 2 green, 3 green. For painting rocks, tree trunks, leaves, moss and other points.
█ █ █ █ white powder: Also known as Hu powder, color white, Hafen, and two lead powder. For painting white flowers, birds, or the allocation of other pigments used.
█ █ █ █ anthocyanin: color dark blue. For painting leaves, rocks, water and so on. Big blue with indigo or the leaves made of indigo, and then extracted out of blue paint, blue-green or dark blue. Use very wide, adjustable gamboge into grass green or light green. Wide flowers, paint. The production of anthocyanin in Guangdong. (Quester Note: The micro-ingredients with red, yellow and reconcile it with more composure after the formation of the green)
█ █ █ █ Garcinia: bright yellow color. For painting flowers, leaves and branches. Garcinia: bright yellow. South Sea Rattan tropical forest tree, evergreen tree, stems up to 20 m, from bark perforated, out of yellow resin, in order to carry bamboo, dry pigment can be used for painting. (Quester Note: also contain traces of red, and toxic. And very eye-catching black tie in more danger warning for the color)
█ █ █ █ ocher color: dark brown mineral pigment used
█ █ █ █ orpiment: mineral name. Components of arsenic trisulfide (As2S3) orange, translucent, pigment can be used to the system. The ancients used to alter female yellow text, change the text so that chaos and recklessly comments to "jump to female yellow", saying despite the fact, casually irresponsible remarks as "irresponsible remarks."
█ █ █ █ realgar: Chinese name. For the arsenic sulfide ore. Alias Shi Huang, Yellowstone.
█ █ █ █ Shi Huang: Chinese painting pigment, that realgar.
█ █ █ █ magenta: color orange-red. For painting flowers.

Common words classical literature

Gilt: a gold Chinese traditional methods, the dissolved mercury in the gold in the brush in the silver or copper tire tire utensils.
Fei Jin illuminated throwing: The powder or metal powder made of gold paint, used to decorate Jianzhi or harmonic artifacts in the paint finishing. Throwing one that refers to the spotted pattern.
Outline in gold: For beautiful objects in gold and silver powder with a hook on it depicts as a decoration.

Flowers yellow: the face of women in ancient ornaments. Yellow paper with gold moon and stars, birds and flowers and cut the amount on the attached form, or in the amount of points painted yellow.
Sahua: Floral pattern on the fabric.
Cloud spots: more light in color or translucent material, on a dark or dull stripes or spots (as in marble).
Mica grain: like sand mica section and flashing shiny texture.



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