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Remove the rust cheongsam

1. Using 15% acetic acid solution (15% tartaric acid solution also) wiping stain, or soak in the stain part of the solution, the next day, rinse clean and reuse of water.

2. With 10% citric acid solution or 10% of the oxalic acid will stain Department wetting, and then soak into the concentrated salt water, wash the next day drift net.

3. White cotton and woven fabrics mixed with cotton coat rust, it is desirable for a pellets of oxalic acid (available in pharmacies) on the stain Department, drop on some warm water, gently rubbing, and then rinse with water that is cleaner. Note that operate faster, avoid corrosion.

4. The most simple way: If fresh lemons, squeeze the juice can drip in the rust stains on the rubbing of hands, repeated several times, until the rust stain removal, and then soap and water wash.

Qiao addition cheongsam tea, coffee stains (www.mingliuqipao.com recommended)

1. By these drinks contaminated, immediately wash with 70-80% of the water can be removed.
2. The old tea trace can be used concentrated salt water immersion, or mixture of ammonia and glycerol (1:10) Kneading. Silk and wool fabric disable ammonia, 10% glycerol solution can rub, then rinse water after washing detergent.
3. The old tea and coffee track, available glycerol and egg yolk mixture to clean, slightly dry with water drift net. Or glycerol in the paint stains Department, then sprinkle a few grains of borax with water immersion. Also with diluted ammonia, borax clean warm water.
4. The old coffee can trace to 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, wiping, and rinse with water, can be cleaned with a solution of salt or glycerol




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