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Cheongsam common fabric - silk fabric, (well-established fabric and flower fabric of points). Ping Zheng Su Jie Su fabric on the surface of fabric, such as power spin, Twill etc.. Fabric flower fabric with small patterns, such as polyester crepe, large pattern fabrics, satin flower, etc.. Silk fabrics can be divided into a living fabric and cooked fabric. Diameter with no scouring fabric woven silk fabric called hygiene. Stained with the first train tracks woven into the fabric called silk fabric familiar.

Loom fabric is arranged by the two mutually perpendicular systems of threads (ie, diameter and latitude), made according to certain rules are intertwined objects, in the fabric, and silk thread called edge arranged parallel to diameter wire, and silk side of the vertical row of cases known as the weft thread.

Fabric Categories:
First of all silk fabrics are fabrics classification principle is mainly based on the organizational structure, followed by manufacturing processes such as raw fabric, cooked fabric, twisting, etc., based on the shape of another is essentially based on the fabric, silk fabrics can be divided into 14 current major categories:

1, spinning class: The plain weave constitute Pingzheng, close and relatively thin flower, prime, stripe fabric, weft path are generally not twisting. Such as power spinning, spinning color bar.

2, Crepe: the use of weaving on the role of various processing conditions, the role of the organizational structure (such as twist, or use of tension strength, or strength reduction characteristics of raw materials, etc.), so that the fabric similar to crepe look to reduce effects such as Georgette, Double crepe.

3, silk categories: plain weave fabric can be used to profile the changes or organization, or the same mix of other organizations, such as embroidery silk.

4, Satin: fabrics to patterns of all or most of the flowers with satin weave fabric elements, the surface smooth and shining, soft, flowery satin, satin person.

Five, silk class; application tabby or re-level organizations, the longitude and latitude, the first practice of white, dyed monochrome or color of familiar flowers factor complex fabric, texture thin, fine silk surface, smooth, crisp, such as taffeta.

6, Aya categories: land use patterns for the various twill weave fabric flower elements, the surface has significant twill lines, such as Twill, beautiful silk.

7, Luo categories: Applications by Romanian organizations to form a yarn or weft hole fabric flower elements, such as polyester yarn, Hang Luo.

8 Yarn: The yarn organization in the land pattern or patterns constitute all or part of the hole with gauze fabric flower elements, such as Lu Shan yarn yarn, silk screen.

9, silk Category: Using plain or weft yarn path parallel to the cutting organizations or other organizations which constitute a similar hole in the flower tissue factor yarn fabric, weft density of small diameter, thin transparent texture, such as the headscarf raw silk, raw silk flower section.

10, Ge Category: general by small latitude coarse, thinning by close weft, to the surface of a small grain gloss, but more obvious lateral line weight convex pattern, latitude and longitude generally do not twist, if the text is still Ge, Ming-hua Ge.

11, what types: short with embossed crepe organization or organizations to become the pattern, does not reveal gloss, texture relatively full, thick, hairy-type flu, such as the prime tweed.

12, velvet: Ground pattern and the pattern of the whole or in part by the surface showed soft tissue or terry terry fabric flower elements, such as georgette velvet, velvet.

13, Ti categories: for by the use of filament, yarn wax lines or other low-level materials for the weft, to use plain grain composition, texture and relatively thick fabric flower elements, such as Ti quilt cover, prime Ti.

14, Kam categories: the appearance of colorful, delicate patterns and elegant multi-spindle pattern jacquard silk yarn-dyed fabrics, such as tapestry satin, satin ancient incense





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