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丝绸织品一般分真丝和仿真丝面料两大类,在丝绸织品上都带有标签,那么怎样识别标签上数字代号呢?这些数字共有5位。第一位数字代表商品所用的原料; 第二位数字代表商品 的织物组织,后面则是商品的序号。在这个数字前, 还用大写的英文字母代表商品 的产地,从丝绸产品的编号上,可以认定产品的原料及产地。

  丝绸原料的代号:"“1”代表真丝,包括桑丝及桑丝占50%以上的桑柞交织品种、双宫丝、桑绢丝绸;“2”代表合成纤维;“3”代表天然纤维与短纤维混纺;“4” 代表柞丝;“5”代表人造丝;“6”代表两种原料以上的长丝交织,或长丝 与短丝维交织;“7” 代表被面类。

  丝绸产品产地代号,B为北京、C为四川、D为辽宁、E为湖北、G为广东、H 为浙江、J为江西、K为江苏、M为福建、N为广西、Q为陕西、S为上海、T为天津、V为河南、W为安徽、X为湖南。www.mingliuqipao.com(整理编辑)

Silk and silk fabrics normally takes two kinds of silk fabrics, silk fabrics, both with a label, then the code number on the label how to identify it? These figures are a total of five. The first number represents the raw materials used in goods; the second number represents the product of fabric, the back is the product serial number. In this figure before, but also in capital letters on behalf of the English origin of goods, from silk number, you can identify the product and the origin of raw materials.
Silk raw material code: "" 1 "silk, including Sangsi and Sang Si more than 50% mixed varieties of mulberry oak, double palace silk, mulberry silk silk;" 2 "synthetic fiber;" 3 "stands for natural fibers and short fibers; "4" on behalf of oak silk; "5" for artificial silk; "6" on behalf of two or more filament woven materials, or filament interwoven with short Siwei; "7" stands for quilt classes.

Silk origin code, B for Beijing, C Sichuan, D Liaoning, E as Hubei, G Guangdong, H as Zhejiang, J as Jiangxi, K is of Jiangsu, M as Fujian, N Guangxi, Q Shaanxi, S as Shanghai, T Tianjin, V Henan, W to Anhui, X for Hunan. www.mingliuqipao.com (finishing editor)




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