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  苏绣 苏州一带剌绣产品的总称,以绣工精细、针法活泼、图案秀丽、色彩雅洁著称。
  湘绣 湖南长沙一带剌绣产品的总称。
  蜀绣 又称"川绣",四川成都一带剌绣产品的总称,以软缎和彩线为主要原料。
  潮绣 中国四大名绣之一。与广绣合称为粤绣。传创始于少数民族,与黎族织锦同源。
China's outstanding traditional handicrafts. In silk, cotton and silk textiles, and modern synthetic fabrics and other materials, with silk, cashmere, cotton and other colored lines, with a small fine needle aspiration up and down movement, constitute a variety of beautiful images, patterns or writing process.

Embroidery and sericulture, silk reeling inseparable. China is the world's first discovery and use of silk country, people had started four or five thousand years ago, sericulture, silk reeling up. Along with the use of silk, silk production and development of embroidery is gradually rising, according to Chinese historical records, "Shang" records, 4000 years ago, "Zhang service system" to provide for clothing, "Couture Painting embroidered clothing," the decoration, see China In the four or five thousand years ago, embroidery has been widely popular. In 1958, China Tombs unearthed a dragon and phoenix pattern embroidery, which is two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese Warring States period, embroidery, is now found in one of the earliest kind of embroidery. To the Han Dynasty, the application of embroidery is more extensive, in-kind also unearthed more.

Today, almost all over China Embroidery in the country, different parts of embroidery in the subject matter, composition, use of line, color, acupuncture and so different form their own unique style. Suzhou, Suzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery, Shu embroidery in Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangdong embroidery different characteristics, known as China's four famous embroidery.

Suzhou embroidery, Suzhou embroidery products, general area, in order to fine embroidery, needle lively, beautiful pattern, elegant colors known.

Suzhou embroidery has a long history, built in the Five Dynasties and Northern Song Dynasty, Suzhou Ruiguang towers and Tiger Hill had been Suzhou embroidery unearthed by Fu, the needle has been able to use needle and Shi Ping looting shops needle, which is the earliest discovered Suzhou embroidery in kind. According to historical records, since the Song Dynasty, Suzhou embroidery is flourishing of technology, technology is also maturing. Rural "every sericulture, every household embroidery," the city has emerged Spiraea Lane, roll embroidered Square, Fairview Square, embroidery, etc. Square Lane Alley, showing the prosperity of Suzhou embroidery. At that time not only to embroidery for a living, but often this wealthy feminist leisure time, the cultivation of temperament, the so-called "folk embroidery", "boudoir embroidery", "palace embroidery" and also the resulting name. Qing Suzhou embroidery is unprecedented, Suzhou, known as the "Embroidery City" and famous universally. Acupuncture was as much as the breadth of applications, all working over the former administration, landscape, pavilion, flower, bird, omnipotent and nothing is working. With the court a large number of needs, endless luxury of rich embroidery. Suzhou embroidery was absorbed Shanghai "and Embroidery," as well as the characteristics of Western painting, creating light, strong light and dark, rich three-dimensional style.

Double-sided embroidery "Cats" is one of the representative works of Suzhou embroidery. Performers will be a hair thickness of the embroidery thread into half, one quarter, as well as one-twelfth of forty one-eighth of thread embroidery, and 10 million thread, wire knot possession without a trace. Both positive or negative can see the kitten playful and active demeanor. Embroidered cat is the most difficult cats eyes, art more than 20 kinds of people Xuyong color embroidery thread to put the cat was bright and piercing eyes, lifelike.

So far, based on the double-sided embroidery, it developed into a double-Leis like embroidery, the embroidery process has opened up new avenues. General commodities, such as embroidery quilt cover, pillow, cushion, the upper class, many women can be embroidered folk out more widely.
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Changsha, Hunan Embroidery embroidery products, general area.

Xiang embroidery from Hunan folk embroidery origin. From the Tombs in 1958, unearthed embroideries of view, as early as 2500 years ago in the Spring and Autumn Period, Hunan embroidery to have some local development. Also in 1972 the Western Han Dynasty tomb in Changsha Mawangdui unearthed a 40 embroidery of clothing, indicating much in 2100 years of Western Han dynasty, Hunan embroidery has been developed to place a higher level. Since then, in the long course of development, gradually develop a simple but elegant style. With the development of commodity production Embroidery, embroidery artists through the vast and hard to create some outstanding artists involved in the reform of Hunan embroidery skills to improve, to the many fine traditions of Chinese painting to embroidery on migration shifts in traditional Chinese painting, embroidery, poetry, calligraphy, stone blend of various arts, which formed the basis of Embroidery in Chinese painting, the use of more than 70 kinds of stitches and more than 100 kinds of colors of embroidery threads, needle full of expression, fine detail to characterize images within the qualitative features of shape, embroidery vivid image, bright, strong texture, Vivid, vibrant.

Embroidery with rich color levels, if the painting is characterized by embroidery. In Panama, award-winning Chicago World Fair. A folk "Su cat, Hunan Tiger", which Embroidery Shi Hu Mao Wen vigorous erect, eyes God, are almost the real thing, so far completed the development of the shaped coplanar double-sided embroidery.

Shu embroidery is also called "Chuan embroidery" in Chengdu, Sichuan embroidery products, general area, with satin and the color line as the main raw material.

Traditional acupuncture has halo, cut, pull, and a hundred kinds. To acupuncture rigorous, flush pin, composition concise, characterized by bright colors. Shu embroidery, embroidery skills superior, is it different embroidery stitch to show different parts of the texture work. Flowers, birds, fish and insects, figures into the landscape can be embroidered, especially embroidered fish better. "Lotus carp" as its representative shall screen works. Known as one of staple products, fine embroidery, pattern bright and beautiful, beautiful, with a strong local flavor.
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Embroidery one of four famous embroideries in China. Collectively known as the Guangdong and Guangzhou embroidery embroidery. Communication was founded in minorities, and the Li brocade homologous.

Since the Qing dynasty, Qin textile Chaoshan more women, women into a 11-year-old, his mother shall be pre-wedding dress, every household will be embroidery. Qing Yue embroidery workers, most of Guangzhou, Chaozhou people, particularly higher Chaozhou embroidery techniques, and men skilled in embroidery skills, rarely seen in other provinces. The art of embroidery was widely used in decoration on everyday practical. Embroidery in Golden, thick fine cotton, strains of pin cushion effect of convex relief features gold embroidery and embroidered standard different from the other species. Theme figures, dragon and phoenix, Bo Gu, animals, flowers, etc., with full, symmetrical composition and warm festive colors, the atmosphere bright, vivid display of subject matter, so that the rich embroidery create magnificent artistic effect. There needlepoint embroidery, pin gold embroidery, gold velvet embroidery, thread embroidery and other varieties, unique. "Birds Pay Homage" is the representative works.

(1) needlepoint. In a variety of silk, silk, silk, embroidered in flat stitch velvet embroidered with a flat screen; subjects of the birds, Bo Gu, as shown, hanging screen and so on.

(2) nails down gold embroidery and gold embroidery. Nail gold embroidery, also known as gold and silver embroidery; to the main metallic yarn, wool cashmere mix supplement line called gold. Nail gold embroidery needle complex, cross the bridge, ride pin, fishing petals, pad, the concave pin, hook accumulated more than 60 kinds of needle embroidery, etc., where "two needle scale enterprises," Acupuncture is not for other kinds of embroidery. The use of nails gold embroidery cushion, embroidery, stickers, fight, augmented technologies, may produce relief-style artistic effect.

(3) line of embroidery. Pure flat embroidered with silk thread. Embroidery work, "Guo Ziyi Offering Felicitation", "lion head", "Dragon King head," "On the spring birds," and so on, in Xuantong years (1910), held in Nanjing, the Qing government at the national craft competition winners. Embroidery works also participate in the Panama International Fair in 1915, 1923 and 1925 to attend the London event will get a higher evaluation of the international community. www.mingliuqipao.com (edited)



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