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   ●图案 织锦的右侧保留着幅边。纹样从右侧开始是一对牝牡珍禽,雄鸟站在云纹的低部,昂首挺立。它的头顶是汉隶“五”字,胸部左云纹上悬挂着一个茱萸花纹。雌鸟站在云纹上垂首面向雄鸟,其颈上方是一白色圆形纹象征“太阴”,背上方是一个“星”字,尾部下方有一个茱萸纹。与“星”字间隔一个茱萸花纹的是“出”字。“东”字在两个云纹间隙之上。“东”字的左下方、一个云纹之上是一红色圆形纹象征“太阳”。“太阳”左下侧是一倒悬云纹,云纹凹进处,有一张口伸舌,昂首嗥叫的独角瑞兽,尾部下垂,背上长有一翅膀,可能是“辟邪”。兽角上方云纹上端是一个“方”字。“利”字隔着一个云端在“方”字左上。“利”字下方云纹的左侧是一个身着竖条斑纹、豹眼圆睁的虎形动物,后右足踩在云纹上,举步向右行,尾部高耸,刚劲有力。其尾部右侧是“中”字,左侧是“国”字。
   ●铭文 “五星出东方利中国”8字出自《史记·天宫书》“五星分天之中,积于东方,中国利;积于西方,外国用(兵)者利。五星皆从辰星而聚于一舍,其所舍之国可以法致天下。”古代的“五星”指岁星、荧惑星、填星、太白星和辰星。天地回转,日月流逝,五星难以聚合。然而,汉元年十月,五星聚于东井,这在《天宫书》、《汉书》、《张耳传》、《汉纪》均有记载。
   ●色彩 此汉锦采用的青赤黄白绿五色,皆为秦汉以来发展广泛的植物染料所得。五色应为“青赤黄白黑”,而该锦用色为“青赤黄白绿”,其中绿应为黑,这里用了绿色,可能黑色不够亮丽而以绿色替而代之。五色的“青赤黄白黑”分别与五星的“岁星、荧惑星、填星、太白星和辰星”一一相对应。古人能在一块方寸不大的织锦上把阴阳五行学说表现得如此淋漓酣畅,实属罕见。被定为国宝级文物当之无愧。该锦的织造工艺非常复杂,为汉式织锦最高技术的代表。

October 1995 at the Niya site unearthed a large number of exquisite Han Dynasty silk, the color of the gorgeous, weavers of fine, is rare. One piece of brocade nursing shoulder (Figure) is particularly brilliant, stunning eyes, blue white surprised to weave the end of eight Han Li words: "five-star Lee out of the East China", shocked the world, was designated as national treasures. Remove the text, there with bright white, red, yellow, green, green on the ground in four-color weave pattern typical of the Han-style: cloud pattern, birds and animals, evil spirits and the red and white circular pattern on behalf of Sun and Moon, not square inch Big rich in content. It is this millennium tapestry "star Lee out of the East China", revealed the essence of people under the Chinese must other makes touched by the desire for peace, it must state for the precise fate sighed with regret.
The shoulder area of nursing not long 18.5 cm wide, 12.5 cm, warp density was 2200 / 10 cm, weft density 240 / of 10 cm by 7.4 cm to the circulation pattern. This article would like to design, inscription and color to make a set.
● design retains the right pieces of brocade border. Patterns start from the right is a pair of female male rare birds, the male standing on the lower part of moire, ten feet tall. Its head is Han Li "V" word, the left chest hung a cornel moire pattern. Female standing on the bowed moire male-oriented, its neck was a white circular pattern square symbol "moon", the back side is a "star" and the words beneath a cornel tail pattern. And "star" character spacing of a cornel pattern is "out" word. "East" word in the space above the two moiré. "East" word lower left, on a moiré is a red circle symbol lines "Sun." "Sun" is hung upside down the lower left side of the moire, moire recess, with a mouth Shenshe the triumph of howling unicorn benevolent, tail drooping, who had a wing back, may be "evil." Cloud top corner above the beast is a "square" character. "Benefit" the word across a cloud in the "side" characters left. "Profit" under the word moire vertical bar to the left is wearing a striped, leopard tiger eyes open wide like animals, right foot after stepping on the moire, in serious to right, rear tall, vigorous and effective. The tail on the right is "the" word on the left is the "national" characters.
● inscription "star Lee out of the East China" 8 characters from "Temple Records Book," "five-star sub-days among the plot in the East, China Lee; product in the West, foreign use (military) who benefit. Jin sung and gather from all Five Star in a house, it can house the State Law To the world. "ancient" star "means Sui Xing, Ying Huo Xing, Tian Xing, Futoshi and jin sung. Earth rotation, sun and the moon passes, five-star is difficult to aggregate. However, the Chinese emperor in October, the five planets in Tung Cheng, which in the "Temple book", "Han", "Zhang Er Biography", "Chinese century" are recorded.
● Han Jin used this color red white and yellow green colored green, are all since the Qin and Han dynasties from the development of a wide range of plant dyes. Five colors should be "black green red yellow and white", and the Kam colors as "blue green red yellow and white", which should be dark green, here with the green, may be black and not bright green instead for. Five colors of "blue red yellow and black," respectively, and the star of "Sui Xing, Ying Huo Xing, Tian Xing, Futoshi and jin sung" 11 corresponds. Square inch in a small ancient tapestry on the theory of yin and yang appear so dripping Hearty, it is rare. Was designated as national treasures in the well-deserved. The brocade weaving process very complicated, as the Chinese-style brocade highest technical representatives. www.mingliuqipao.com (edited)




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